This is a partial and continually evolving list.
- AAindex: repository of physicochemical and biochemical properties of amino acids.
- BindingDB: repository of binding affinities for protein-drug interactions.
- CATH: structural classification of proteins.
- D2P2: repository of putative annotations of intrinsic disorder in proteins.
- DisProt: repository of native annotations of intrinsic disorder in proteins.
- DrugBank: repository of drugs and drug targets.
- ELM: repository of functional sites in proteins.
- InterPro: classification and prediction of protein domains and functions.
- KEGG: Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes.
- mentha: repository of curated protein-protein interactions.
- MobiDB: repository of intrinsic disorder and mobility in protein.
- PDB (Protein Data Bank): repository of secondary and tertiary protein structures.
- PDID: repository of protein-drug interaction in structural human proteome.
- PISCES: server for culling of protein sequences.
- PROSITE: repository of protein domains, families and functional sites.
- RefSeq: repository of non-redundant set of reference protein sequences.
- SCOPe: structural classification of proteins.
- UniProt: repository of protein sequences and their functional annotations.