June 2024: Our first-of-its-kind assessment of disorder predictions across all major taxonomic groups was published in Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. Congratulations to the authors!
May 2024: Dr. Ajay Arya has joined our lab as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome to your new home!
May 2024: Our flDPnn2 disorder predictor, which secured the top position in the CAID2 (Critical Assessment of Protein Intrinsic Disorder Prediction) experiment on the Disorder-NOX dataset, was published in Journal of Molecular Biology. Congratulations to the authors!
March 2024: Dr. Kurgan won the VCU College of Engineering Dean's Research Excellence Award (the highest college-level recognition for research).
February 2024: Major Highlight Dr. Kurgan was appointed the Editor-in-Chief of the Biomolecules journal.
December 2023: Our study that demonstrates significant impact of the inclusion of web servers for bioinformatics tools was just published in the Bioinformatics Advances journal. Congratulations to the authors!
December 2023: Our new HybridDBRpred tool that focuses on the prediction of DNA-binding residues in protein sequences was just published in the Nucleic Acids Research journal. Congratulations to the authors!
November 2023: A new version of our huge DescribePROT database was published in the 2024 database issue of the Nucleic Acids Research journal. Congratulations to the authors!
October 2023: Major Highlight Dr. Kurgan was recognized as the Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology (RSB).
September 2023: Major Highlight Our new collaborative article that introduces arguably the best tools for the intrinsic disorder and disorder function prediction was just published in the Nature Protocols journal. Congratulations to the authors!
September 2023: Our article on the computational prediction of the membrane-binding MoRFs was just accepted for publication in the Journal of Molecular Biology. Congratulations to the authors!
September 2023: Major Highlight Dr. Kurgan was interviewed by a writer for Nature to provide an independent academic perspective on recent industry developments in the protein intrinsic disorder area. This interview contributed to the recent news article published in the Nature Biotechnology journal that can be found here
August 2023: Major Highlight Our disorder predictor flDPnn2 secured the top position in the CAID2 (Critical Assessment of Protein Intrinsic Disorder Prediction) experiment on the Disorder-NOX dataset. CAID is a worldwide competition that identifies the most accurate methods that predict the intrinsically disordered protein regions. The results were published in Proteins journal. Many congratulations to the entire team: Drs Hu and Wang, and my postdoctoral fellow Dr. Basu!
July 2023: Major Highlight Dr. Kurgan has joined the editorial board of the Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal journal.
June 2023: Our study on the quality of the AlphaFold2's predictions of intrinsic disorder was published in Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. Congratulations to the authors!
May 2023: Jing Yu has joined our lab as a PhD student. She arrived from the Zhengzhou University. Welcome to your new home!
April 2023: Our new DEPICTER2 webserver that focuses on the prediction of intrinsic disorder and disorder functions was just accepted for publication in the 2023 webserver issue of the Nucleic Acids Research journal. Congratulations to the authors!
March 2023: Congratulations to Dr. Sina Ghadermarzi, recent alumni of our lab, who joined the Yale's Center for Infection and Immunity as postdoctoral fellow.
February 2023: Our survey on the computational prediction of disordered protein-protein interactions was just accepted for publication in the Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. Congratulations to the authors!
January 2023: Our article on the computational prediction of protein-protein interactions in disordered and ordered proteins was just accepted for publication in the special issue on "Computation Resources for Molecular Biology" in the Journal of Molecular Biology. Congratulations to the authors!
January 2023: Major Highlight Dr. Kurgan has published a book entitled "Machine Learning in Bioinformatics of Protein Sequences". This books describes algorithms, databases and other resources for modern protein bioinformatics.
December 2022: Our article on the computational prediction of protein-DNA interactions in disordered and ordered proteins was published in the Nucleic Acids Research journal. Congratulations to the authors!
December 2022: Congratulations to Dr. Sina Ghadermarzi who defended his Ph.D. thesis and became an alumnus of our lab.
December 2022: Our article on the computational prediction of protein-nucielc acid interactions was published in the "Tools for Protein Science" special issue in the Protein Science journal. Congratulations to the authors!
December 2022: Our article that describes a novel method, called CLIP, for the prediction of disordered linear interacting peptides was published in Briefings in Bioinformatics. Congratulations to the authors!
November 2022: Our research was featured as the top story in the 2021-2022 annual report for the VCU's Computer Science department.
November 2022: Dr. Kurgan was featured among the top 2% of the world’s most-cited researchers in 2022. Full story is here.
July 2022: Major Highlight Dr. Kurgan has delivered a keynote talk entitled "Modern resources for the intrinsic disorder and disorder function prediction" at the Function COSI at the ISMB'22 conference.
June 2022: Major Highlight Dr. Kurgan was elected and inducted as the Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA).
June 2022: Dr. Bi Zhao, who has been with us as a postodoctoral fellow since September 2019, has accepted Reasearch Assistant Professor position at the University of South Florida. Many congratulations and best of luck in your new position!
May 2022: Our study of relations between different structural and functional characteristics of protein sequences (both native and putative) was published in Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. Congratulations to the authors!
May 2022: Recent alumnus from our lab, Dr. Xiao Fan, has accepted Assistant Professor position at the University of Florida. Many congratulations on your new adventure!
April 2022: We collaboratively published a novel iFeatureOmega platform for the development and analysis of feature-based representation of the protein and nucleic acids sequences in Nucleic Acids Research. Many congratulations to the authors!
March 2022: Our survey of the use and impact of deep learning in the disorder prediction field was published in Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. Congratulations to the authors!
March 2022: Dr. Sushmita Basu has joined our lab as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome to your new home!
March 2022: Major Highlight Dr. Kurgan secured $250,000 grant from NSF entitled "Collaborative Research: Identification and structural modeling of intrinsically disordered protein-protein and protein-nucleic acids interactions". This project is in collaboration with Dr. Kihara from the Purdue University who receives another $250,000. The total award for this project is $500,000. Details are available HERE and HERE.
January 2022: Our article on the computational prediction of MoRF regions was featured in the Special collection celebrating the success of CSBJ (Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal). Congratulations to the authors!
January 2022: Dr. Kurgan has received the 2021 VCU Computer Science award for the excellence in research.
January 2022: Mr. Saad Bhatti has joined our lab as an undergraduate project student. Welcome to our lab!
December 2021: Our review article that provides the most comprehensive to date survey of the intrinsic disorder prediction field was accepted for publication in Expert Review of Proteomics. Congratulations to the authors!
December 2021: Dr. Kurgan has delivered an invited highlight talk entitled "Prediction of intrinsic disorder in the post-AlphaFold era" at the 2021 Computational Structural Bioinformatics Workshop (CSBW'21).
November 2021: Our article that describes a novel method, DeepDISOBind, for the prediction of disordered protein, DNA and RNA binding regions was accepted for publication in Briefings in Bioinformatics. Congratulations to the authors!
October 2021: Dr. Kurgan was ranked among top 1% of scientists in the Bioinformatics area according to the database that was published in the PLoS Biology article entitled "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators". The most recent version of this database is available at DOI: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.3
September 2021: Major Highlight Dr. Kurgan was inducted as a member of Faculty Opinions in the "Big Data & Analytics" section of the "Bioinformatics, Biomedical Informatics and Computational Biology" area. His profile is available here.
September 2021: Our article that introduces a novel predictor of disordered lipid binding regions DisoLipPred was accepted for publication in Bioinformatics. Congratulations to the authors!
September 2021: Major Highlight Dr. Kurgan was recognized as the Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA).
September 2021: We published results of a cutting-edge study that investigates intrinsic disorder in the human RNA-binding proteins in Journal of Molecular Biology. Congratulations to the authors!
August 2021: Major Highlight Dr. Kurgan received $500,000 grant from NSF entitled "Integrated prediction of intrinsic disorder and disorder functions with modular multi-label deep learning". Details are available HERE.
August 2021: Our article that introduces a novel predictor of disordered lipid binding regions, DisoLipPred, was accepted for publication in Bioinformatics. Congratulations to the authors!
July 2021: Our article that describes a novel method, DNAgenie, that predicts protein-DNA interactions for specific DNA types (single stranded vs. A-DNA vs. B-DNA) was accepted for publication in Briefings in Bioinformatics. Congratulations to the authors!
July 2021: Major Highlight Our CAID-winning disorder predictor, flDPnn, was published in Nature Communications. The article is featured among the Editor's Highlights in Structural biology, biochemistry and biophysics (available HERE). It was also recommended by the Faculty Opinions (available HERE). Many congratulations to the authors!
July 2021: Our article that introduces a novel predictor of protein structure quality XRRpred was accepted for publication in Bioinformatics. Congratulations to the authors!
June 2021: Dr. Kurgan has received the 2020 VCU Computer Science award for the excellence in teaching.
June 2021: Congratulations to Sina Ghadermarzi who defended his Ph.D. candidacy exam.
May 2021: Congratulations to Dr. Akila Katuwawala defended his Ph.D. thesis and became alumnus of our lab. Akila joined Adimab, LLC as computational biologist.
May 2021: Our new disorder prediction tool, QUARTERplus, which is the first method that provides interpretable residue-level quality assessment scores was published in Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. Congratulations to the authors!
April 2021: Major Highlight Our disorder predictor, flDPnn, won the first place in Critical Assessment of Protein Intrinsic Disorder Prediction (CAID) challenge. CAID is a worldwide competition that identifies the most accurate methods that predict the intrinsically disordered protein regions. The results were recently published in Nature Methods, followed by a commentary article in the same journal that highlights our win (available HERE). Press release can be found HERE. Many congratulations to the the entire team: Drs Hu, Wang, Wu and Gao and my Ph.D. students Akila Katuwawala and Sina Ghadermarzi!
February 2021: Mr. Balint Biro has completed his visiting position in our lab. We wish him best of luck completing his doctoral degree.
February 2021: We collaboratively published a novel iLearnPlus platform for the development and analysis of machine learning models for the prediction of protein and nucleic acids sequences in Nucleic Acids Research. Many congratulations to the authors!
January 2021: Dr. Kurgan has received the 2020 VCU Computer Science award for the excellence in research.
December 2020: Our manuscript that introduces a novel predictor of protein binding residues (PROBselect) was published in the proceedings of the ECCB 2020 conference. The acceptance rate was 20%. Congratulations to the authors!
December 2020: Our manuscript that introduces a novel predictor of disordered linkers (APOD) was published in the proceedings of the ECCB 2020 conference. The acceptance rate was 20%. Congratulations to the authors!
October 2020: We published our new DescribePROT database of the amino acid-level protein structure and function predictions in Nucleic Acids Research. Many congratulations to the authors on this monumental effort!
September 2020: Our article that maps intrinsic disorder into human cell was published in Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. Congratulations to the authors!
August 2020: Mr. Balint Biro has joined our lab as a visiting doctoral student. Welcome to our lab!
June 2020: Dr. Kurgan has received the 2019 VCU Computer Science award for the excellence in teaching.
June 2020: Our article that evaluates state-of-the-art in the prediction of protein binding residues and proposes a new solution to this problem was accepted for publication in Bioinformatics. Congratulations to the authors!
May 2020: Congratulations to Akila Katuwawala who defended his Ph.D. candidacy exam.
May 2020: Akila Katuwawala, PhD student in our research group, has won the 2019 VCU College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Research Assistant Award. Congratulations!
May 2020: Akila Katuwawala, PhD student in our research group, has won the 2019 VCU Computer Science Early Career Award. Congratulations!
January 2020: Dr. Kurgan has delivered an invited highlight talk during the "Intrinsically Disordered Proteins and Their Functions" session at the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB 2020) conference.
January 2020: Dr. Kurgan has received the 2019 VCU Computer Science award for the excellence in research.
December 2019: Our article that introduces DEPICTER, the first-of-its-kind server for integrated prediction of disorder and disorder functions, was accepted for publication in the special issue on "Computation Resources for Molecular Biology" in Journal of Molecular Biology. Congratulations to the authors!
November 2019: Major Highlight Dr. Kurgan has joined the editorial board of the Bioinformatics journal.
November 2019: Our article that introduces the DISOselect method for selection of optimal disorder predictors was accepted for publication in the special issue on "Tools for Protein Science" in Protein Science. Congratulations to the authors!
October 2019: Our article that analyzes druggable human proteome was accepted for publication in the Frontiers in Genetics. Congratulations to the authors!
September 2019: Dr. Bi Zhao has joined our lab as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome to your new home!
September 2019: Our article that investigates structures and functions of non-smelly proteins (which are depleted in aromatic residues and cysteine) was accepted for publication in Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. Congratulations to the authors!
July 2019: Our article that surveys and asseses methods for the prediction of intrisic disorder was accepted for publication in Briefings in Bioinformatics. Congratulations to the authors!
June 2019: Dr. Kurgan has delivered an invited talk at the annual Bioinformatics in Torun (BIT'19) conference.
May 2019: Our article that investigates GC content bias in regions coding for intrinsic disorder was accepted for publication in Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. Congratulations to the authors!
April 2019: Our manuscript that introduces a novel predictor of protein binding residues (SCRIBER) was included in the proceedings of the ISMB/ECCB 2019 conference. The acceptance rate was 18%. Congratulations to the authors!
March 2019: Dr. Amita Barik has left our lab to join Department of Biotechnology at NIT Durgapur as an Assistant Professor. Congratulations!
March 2019: Dr. Kurgan was recognized as the Senior Member of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) .
March 2019: Our survey concerning prediction of disordered protein binding regions was published in Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. Congratulations to the authors!
Febrary 2019: Prof. Keith Dunker visited our lab.
February 2019: Our survey of similarity-based prediction of drug-protein interactions was published in Current Medicinal Chemistry. Congratulations to the authors!
January 2019: Dr. Kurgan was recognized with the Researcher Of The Year award for the year 2018 by the VCU Computer Science department.
January 2019: Dr. Kurgan has received two 2018 VCU Computer Science awards: for the excellence in research and for the excellence in teaching.
October 2018: Dr. Kurgan graduated from the Leadership Development Program at the VCU Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute.
October 2018: Our article on the quality assessment for intrinsic disorder was published in Bioinformatics. Congratulations to the authors!
September 2018: Dr. Kurgan has delivered a keynote talk at the 2018 International Conference on Bioinformatics (INCOB'18).
September 2018: Our article on the taxonomic landscape of dark proteomes was published in Proteomics. Congratulations to the authors!
September 2018: Dr. Amita Barik has joined our lab.
August 2019: Our article on the prediction of disordered moonlighting regions was published in Proteins. Congratulations to the authors!
July 2018: Our article that surveys methods for the prediction of drug-protein interactions in the druggable human proteomes was published in Briefings in Bioinformatics. Congratulations to the authors!
May 2018: Congratulations to Dr. Chen Wang defended his Ph.D. thesis and became alumnus of our lab. Chen joined the Columbia University as a postdoctoral fellow.
April 2018: Major Highlight Dr. Kurgan was elected and recognized as the Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) with citation for "outstanding contributions to structural bioinformatics, focusing on protein-ligand and protein-nucleic acids interactions and computational characterization of intrinsic disorder."
April 2018: Major Highlight Dr. Kurgan has accepted position of the Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Biomolecules journal.
March 2018: Major Highlight Dr. Kurgan was recognized as the Fellow of the Kosciuszko Foundation Collegium of Eminent Scientists.with citation for "outstanding achievements and contributions to the Polish scientific community."
February 2018: Our article that overviews methods for target selection in structural genomics was highlighed as "Editor Choice" in theCurrent Protein and Peptide Science journal. Congratulations to the authors!
January 2018: Congratulations to Dr. Fanchi Meng defended his Ph.D. thesis and joined the alumni of our lab. Fanchi has joined AltaML as a data scientist.
January 2018: Sina Ghadermarzi has joined our lab as a PhD student. He arrived from the Amirkabir University of Technology. Welcome!
January 2018: Akila Katuwawala has joined our lab as a PhD student. He arrived from the University of Colombo. Welcome!
January 2018: Dr. Kurgan has received the 2017 VCU Computer Science award for the excellence in research.
December 2017: Our article that overviews protein-protein and protein-nucleic acids interactors was published in Briefings in Bioinformatics. Congratulations to the authors!
July 2017: Dr. Kurgan has joined the editorial board of the Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction (MAKE) journal.
June 2017: Our article that surveys predictors of intrinsic disorder and its functions was published in Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. Congratulations to the authors!
June 2017: Dr. Vladimir Uversky visited our lab.
April 2017: Chen Wang, PhD student in our research group, has won the VCU Computer Science 2016 best paper award. Congratulations!
March 2017: Our article that reviews methods for the prediction of protein binding residues was published in Briefings in Bioinformatics. Congratulations to the authors!
February 2017: Abdollah Amirkhanishahraki has joined our lab as visiting PhD student from the Iran University of Science and Technology.
February 2017: Our article that reviews methods for the target selection for structural genomics was published in Briefings in Bioinformatics. Congratulations to the authors!
January 2017: Our article that describes first-of-its-kind method for sequence-based prediction and discrimination of DNA and RNA binding residues was published in Nucleic Acids Research. Congratulations to the authors!
January 2017: Dr. Christopher Oldfield has joined our lab.
January 2017: Dr. Kurgan has received two 2016 VCU Computer Science awards: for the excellence in research and for the excellence in teaching.
October 2016: Major Highlight Dr. Kurgan received $500,000 grant from NSF to develop predictive computational tools to functionally annotate intrinsic disorder in proteins. Details are available HERE.
June 2016: Congratulations to Dr. Jing Yan who defended her Ph.D. thesis and joined the alumni of our lab.
June 2016: Congratulations to Fanchi Meng who defended his Ph.D. candidacy exam.
May 2016: Dr. Kurgan has joined the editorial board of the Current Protein and Peptide Science journal.
May 2016: Shomeek Chowdhury has joined our lab as a visiting MSc student from the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda.
April 2016: Our manuscript that introduces a novel predictor of disordered flexible linkers (DFLpred) was included in the proceedings of the ISMB 2016 conference. The acceptance rate was below 20%. Congratulations to the authors!
March 2016: Our article on large-scale characterization of MoRFs is on the cover of March 2013 issue (issue 3) of the Molecular BioSystems journal. Congratulations to the authors!
January 2016: Our article on large-scale characterization of MoRFs was included in the collection of the 2016 Hot Articles in Molecular BioSystems. Congratulations to the authors!
January 2016: Dr. Kurgan has received the 2015 VCU Computer Science award for the excellence in research.
December 2015: Congratulations to Dr. Xiao Fan who defended her Ph.D. thesis and joined the alumni of our lab.
December 2015: Major Highlight Dr. Kurgan was selected to serve as the section editor of the Structural Bioinformatics area in the BMC Bioinformatics journal.
November 2015: Dr. Kurgan was selected to serve as the member of editorial board of the Intrinsically Disordered Proteins journal.
November 2015: Jian Zhang has joined our lab as a visiting PhD student from the Northeast Normal University.
October 2015: Our article that describes PDID database od putative protein-drug interactions in the human proteome was accepted in Bioinformatics. Congratulations to the authors!
August 2015: Major Highlight Our lab has moved to the department of Computer Science at the Virginia Commonwealth University. Dr. Kurgan accepted position of the Endowed Professor of Computer Science.
May 2015: Our article that describes first-of-its-kind method for sequence-based prediction of disordered DNA, RNA and protein binding regions was accepted in Nucleic Acids Research. Congratulations to the authors!
April 2015: Congratulations to Xiao Fan for receiving the prestigious Andrew Stewart Memorial Graduate Prize (awarded by the University of Alberta).
March 2015: Our article that reviews methods for prediction of RNA and DNA binding residues was accepted in Briefings in Bioinformatics. Congratulations to the authors!
November 2014: Our collaborative article that concerns large scale analysis of structural coverage via X-ray crystallography was just published in open access in the Acta Crystallographica Section D. Congratulations to the authors!
October 2014: Our article that reviews methods for prediction of targets of microRNAs in animal species was accepted in Briefings in Bioinformatics. Congratulations to the authors!
September 2014: Congratulations to Dr. Zhenling Peng who defended her Ph.D. thesis and joined the alumni of our lab. She recently accepted faculty position at the Tianjin University.
July 2014: Drs. Gang Hu and Zhonghua Wu (Nankai University) are visiting our lab.
June 2014: Our collaborative article that concerns discovery of a novel regulatory pathway in ER stress was published as the cover story in Science Signalling. Congratulations to the authors!
May 2014: Our article that concerns analysis of intrinsic disorder across 1000 proteomes in eukaryota, archaea, bacteria, and viruses was published in Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. Congratulations to the authors!
September 2013: Congratulations to Dr. Marcin Mizianty who defended his Ph.D. thesis and joined the alumni of our lab. Marcin is now working as data scientist for Granify.
July 2013: Our article that concerns analysis of intrinsic disorder in ribosome was published in Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. Congratulations to the authors!
July 2013: Major Highlight Dr. Kurgan was promoted to Full Professor.
May 2013: Our article that concerns analysis of intrinsic disorder in cell death cycle proteins was published in Cell Death and Differentiation. Congratulations to the authors!
November 2012: Our article that concerns inverse prediction of binding sites for small biological ligands was published in Structure. Congratulations to the authors!
April 2012: Our manuscript that introduces a novel predictor of MoRFs (short disorder-to-order transitioning binding regions in proteins) was included in the proceedings of the ISMB 2012 conference. The acceptance rate was 13%. Congratulations to the authors!
March 2012: Congratulations to Dr. Kanaka Durga Kedarisetti who defended her Ph.D. thesis and joined the alumni of our lab.
March 2012: Dr. Michael Gromiha (IIT Madras) visited our lab.
January 2012: Congratulations to Fatemeh Miri Disfani who graduated with her M.Sc. degree. Good luck on your job hunt.
December 2011: Congratulations to Ibrahim Hijazi who graduated with his M.Eng. degree. Good luck on your job in Halifax.
October 2011: Dr. Kurgan was selected to serve as the member of the academic editorial board of the PLoS ONE journal.
October 2011: Dr. Gang Hu (Nankai University) visited our lab.
September 2011: Congratulations to Dr. Ke Chen who defended his Ph.D. thesis and joined the alumni of our lab. Dr. Chen has accepted faculty position at the Tianjin Polytechnic University.
September 2011: Dr. Daisuke Kihara (Purdue University) visited our lab.
July 2011: Our recent paper entitled "In-silico prediction of disorder content using hybrid sequence representation has been rated as "Highly Accessed" by the BMC Bioinformatics journal.
May 2011: Congratulations to Zhenling Peng for receiving the prestigious 2011 Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarship in Omics (awarded by the Alberta Innovates Fund).
April 2011: Congratulations to Marcin Mizianty for receiving the prestigious Andrew Stewart Memorial Graduate Prize (awarded by the University of Alberta).
March 2011: Our manuscript that proposes a novel predictor of propensity of protein chains for X-ray based structure determination was included in the proceedings of the ISMB/ECCB 2011 conference. The acceptance rate was 19%. Congratulations to the authors!
February 2011: Our comparative review that concerns structure-based prediction of binding sites for small ligands was accepted in Structure. Congratulations to the authors!
December 2010: Our comparative review that concerns secondary structure prediction was accepted in Briefiengs in Bioinformatics. Congratulations to the authors!
June 2010: Our manuscript that proposes a novel predictor of protein disorder was accepted in the ECCB 2010 conference. The acceptance rate was 17%. Congratulations to the authors!
May 2010: Congratulations to Dr. Wojciech Stach who defended his Ph.D. thesis and joined the alumni of our lab.
May 2010: Congratulations to Marcin Mizianty for receiving the prestigious Killam Scholarship for Ph.D. studies (awarded by University of Alberta).
January 2010: Dr. Kurgan was selected to serve as the member of the editorial board of the BMC Bioinformatics journal.
January 2010: Our recent paper entitled "Modular Prediction of Protein Structural Classes from Sequences of Twilight-Zone Identity with Predicting Sequences" has been rated as "Highly Accessed" by the BMC Bioinformatics journal.
September 2009: Congratulations to Dr. Rafal Rak who defended his Ph.D. thesis and joined the alumni of our lab.
August 2009: Our recent paper entitled "CRYSTALP2: Sequence-based Protein Crystallization Propensity Prediction" has been rated as "Highly Accessed" by the BMC Structural Biology journal.
June 2009: Major Highlight Dr. Kurgan has delivered a keynote talk at the 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2009).
May 2009: Dr. Kurgan was selected to serve as the member of the editorial board of the Protein and Peptide Letters journal.
January 2009: Our recent paper entitled "HuMiTar: A sequence-based Method for Prediction of Human microRNA Targets" has been rated as "Highly Accessed" by the Algorithms for Molecular Biology journal.
November 2008: Dr. Kurgan was selected to serve as the member of the editorial board of the Open Bioinformatics journal.
October 2008: Our two recent papers entitled "Accurate Sequence-based Prediction of Catalytic Residues" and "Prediction of beta-turns at Over 80% Accuracy Based on an Ensemble of Predicted Secondary Structures and Multiple Alignments" have been rated as "Highly Accessed" by the BMC Bioinformatics journal.
May 2008: Our recent paper entitled "SCPRED: Accurate Prediction of Protein Structural Class for Sequences of Twilight-zone Similarity with Predicting Sequences" has been rated as "Highly Accessed" by the BMC Bioinformatics journal.
April 2008: Congratulations to Ke Chen for receiving the prestigious Andrew Stewart Memorial Graduate Prize (awarded by the University of Alberta).
April 2008: Congratulations to Mandana Rahbari for receiving the prestigious iCORE Ph.D. Graduate Scholarship in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) (awarded by iCORE and Alberta Ingenuity Fund).
November 2007: Dr. Kurgan was selected to serve as the member of the editorial board of the Open Proteomics journal.
October 2007: Dr. Kurgan was selected to serve as the member of the editorial board of the Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering.
September 2007: Our new book was released (Cios K, Pedrycz W, Swiniarski R and Kurgan L, Data Mining: A Knowledge Discovery Approach, Springer)
July 2007: Our recent paper entitled "Prediction of Flexible/Rigid Regions in Proteins from Sequences Using Collocated Amino Acid Pairs" has been rated as "Highly Accessed" by the BMC Structural Biology journal.
June 2007: Major Highlight Dr. Kurgan was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure.
May 2007: Congratulations to Kanaka Kedarisetti and Ke Chen for receiving the prestigious Alberta Ingenuity scholarhips for Ph.D. studies (awarded by Alberta Ingenuity Fund).
April 2007: Congratulations to Kanaka Kedarisetti for receiving the prestigious Canada Graduate Scholarships for doctoral students (CGSD) (awarded by NSERC).
January 2007: The lab website was created.