ILbind is a consensus predictor that combines the two complementary inverse ligand binding predictors implemented using FINDSITE and SMAP and Support Vector Machines. The program is available for all non-commercial users here. Installation and usage instruction is available here. The program may only be installed on computers with Linux OS. If user prefers not to install the program a web service is available.
Upon the usage the users are requested to input predictions from FINDSITE and SMAP methods. Beside the target protein and ligand users should also have template with known ligand-protein complex, which is used to obtain those predictions by following these steps:
More detailed instruction on how to obtain SMAP and FIndsite predicitons is available here: ILbind.pdf
Upon the usage the users are requested to use the following citation:
Each line in the datasets files include two columns, where the first column identifies if the protein is binding (1) or non-binding (0), and the second column is the PDB id.