PPCpred - predictor of protein Production, Purification and Crystallization

PPCpred webserver

The server is designed for sequence-based prediction of protein crystallization, purification, and production propensity.

Please follow the three steps below to make predictions:

1. Copy and paste protein sequence(s) into text area

Server accepts up to 5 (FASTA formated) protein sequences. Please enter each protein in a new line in the following text field:

2. Provide your e-mail address (required)

Please provide your e-mail address to be notified when results are ready.

3. Predict:

Click button to launch prediction.


  • Training dataset, used to train PPCpred. Dataset was developed in our lab and can be downloaded from here
  • Test dataset, used to evaluate PPCpred. Dataset was developed in our lab and can be downloaded from here
  • Supplement can be downloaded from here


We acknowledge with thanks the following software used as a part of this server