(putative function- and linker based Disorder Prediction using deep neural network 2)

flDPnn2 is a fast web server that accurately predicts intrinsic disorder in protein sequences by relying on an innovative architecture of a deep neural network that uses predictions of disorder functions and disordered linkers as inputs.

Please follow the three steps below to make predictions:

1. Copy and paste protein sequence(s) into text area

The server accepts up tp 50 FASTA formatted protein sequences with minimum length of 21 residues. Please enter protein sequence(s) in the following text field.

2. Provide your email address (optional)

Please enter your email address in the following text area or leave it blank. A link to prediction results will be sent to your email address once they are ready.

3. Predict

Click button to launch prediction.


The webserver accepts up to 50 protein sequences as the input. The user should submit each protein sequence in the FASTA format.

The format of the input file is as follows:

  • Line1: >protein ID
  • Line2: protein sequence (1-letter amino acid encoding)

Here is an example input file.


We acknowledge with thanks the following software used as a part of this server:

  • ANCHOR2-Prediction of disordered binding regions
  • PSI-BLAST-Protein sequence similarity search
  • IUPred2- Prediction of intrinsic disorder
  • PSIPRED-Prediction of secondary structure
  • DisoRDPbind-Prediction of disordered RNA, DNA and protein binding regions
  • DFLpred-Prediction of disordered flexible linkers